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  • Writer's pictureAda Tam Ying Ying

Date 12 Jul 24 : U.S. CPI drops... Trigger hope again for property sectors, but can flop the techie


Exports, Jun : 11.20M to 10.70M

Imports, Jun : 5.20M to -0.60M

Trade Balance, Jun : 586.39B to 703.73B

Exports, Jun Yoy : 7.6% to 8.6%

Imports, Jun Yoy : 1.8% to -2.3%

Trade Balance, Jun Yoy : 82.62B to 99.05B

United States

Core CPI, Jun, Mom: 0.2% to 0.1%

Core CPI, Jun, Yoy: 3.4% to 3.3%

Core CPI Index, Jun : 318.14 to 318.35

CPI, Jun Yoy : 3.3% to 3.0%

CPI, Jun Mom: 0.0% to -0.1%

Initial Jobless Claims : 239K to 222K


Investor, pls take note.... if IPO is successful, the buy call from me

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